Seize the Sky

Seize the Sky
Автор: Johnston Terry C.
Серия: Sons Of The Plains #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1991
Добавил: Admin 21 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 21 Июл 12
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Never one to proceed cautiously when an impetuous move could win him glory, Custer marched his famed Seventh Calvary against the Sioux in June, 1876. He was thirty-six, already a mythic hero to some, with the possibility of a presidential nomination looming in his future; while to others he was an arrogant and dangerous fool, misguided in his determination to subjugate the Plains tribes. What should have been his greatest triumph became an utterly devastating defeat that would ring through the ages and serve as a turning point in the Indian Wars.

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