This sixth anthology in the adult fairy-tale series by acclaimed editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling presents another diverse collection of stories and poems loosely based on folklore traditions around the world. Readers familiar with previous...
The latest volume of the prestigious anthology series, published annually across six decades!
The Nebula Awards Showcase volumes have been published annually since 1966, reprinting the winning and nominated stories of the Nebula Awards, voted on...
A collection of stories and poems relating to shapeshifting — animal transfiguration — legends from around the world — from werewolves to vampires and the little mermaid, retold and reimagined by such authors as Peter Beagle, Tanith Lee,...
“Vivid, gripping and actually riveting as the Red Danger takes a whole new meaning here. Loved it.”
—The Book Smugglers
It is the waning days of the Russian monarchy. A reckless man rules the land and his dragons rule the sky. Though...