Three years earlier, Jorian had been crowned King of Xylar. But the laws of Xylar decreed that each randomly chosen monarch must be beheaded at the end of a five-year reign. Jorian had a prejudice against losing his head. With the aid of the aged...
Embroiled in his field work in the arboreal world of Sunga, biologist Kirk Salazar must put up with hard-core tourists, an ignorant industrialist, and Alexis Ritter, the formidable high priestess of a Sunga cult dedicated to...
Barely had Dirk Barnevelt finishing writing a publicity campaign for his boss, then he learned that he would shortly find himself isolated in the middle of the terrible Sunqar, a floating swamp on the planet of Krishna. Without scientific equipment...
The hunt for a beautiful princess--and a king's treasure--brings Conan to the edge of the world, and the devil-ridden lands of the Nameless Isle. Awaiting him will be his fiercest battle: the cold steel of his sword against the hell-fed powers of...
When the World Emperor of the twenty-seventh century seals off Greece behind a force wall and Wiyem Flin's wife soon disappears, Knut Bulnes agrees to help look behind the wall for the woman, and the two find themselves in Classical...