The Island of Evermeet is a refuge for the elves, which faced hordes capable of destroying empires, and was in turn threatened by pirates, mercenaries, wizards, elves and renegades swarms of dragons. The novel gives us fragments of the history of...
Silent death stalks the Harpers of Faerûn. One by one, members of the semi-secret society for good in the Realms are falling to a murderer's blade. Now a Harper agent and a beautiful half-elf assassin must solve the mystery. If they fail, they will...
Liriel, dcera arcimága Gromfa, je trnem v oku Prvnímu rodu Menzoberranzanu Baenre i ostatním. Je nepřehlédnutelná. Pořádá honosné večírky, ráda se toulá tunely, sjíždí podzemní řeky, přátelí se s dvouhlavým drakem – a má...
Archemage of the great city of Waterdeep, he has made many powerful enemies over the course of his centuries-long life. And now, he's keeping careful watch over even his closest friends as control of the Harpers seems to be slipping through his...
Rašemen... tajemný domov barbara Fjodora, země, jíž vládnou wychlaran, které své nezvyklé schopnosti skrývají za propracovanými maskami.
Shakti... drowí kněžka Lloth, která číhá ve stínech Temných říší a plane...