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House of Skin

House of Skin

Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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William Zero, a.k.a. Dr. Blood-and-Bones. One of the most infamous butchers in U.S. history, a serial killer who skinned and dissected his victims. He killed a dozen people and then vanished without a trace. Now his deranged son, Eddy, is searching...
Doll Face

Doll Face

Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Six friends are returning home from a night out when they end up in a town called Stokes. They discover they are trapped there, as Stokes does not really exist. The actual town had burned to the ground more than fifty years ago. The Stokes they are...
Zombie Pulp

Zombie Pulp

Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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DEAD MEN TELL TALES. From the corpse factories of World War I where graveyard rats sharpen their teeth on human bones to the wind-blown cemeteries of the prairie where resurrection comes at an unspeakable price… from the compound of a twisted...


Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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On Pine Street, the houses begin to shake. The earth begins to move. The streets crack open and yards split asunder… and rising from subterranean depths far below, a viscid black muck bubbles up and floods the neighborhood. In it are a...
Toxic Shadows

Toxic Shadows

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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Cut River, Michigan. Population: 0. The town the Devil built. Once it was a sleepy backwater town and once there were people in it. Then a lurking pestilence ate the flesh from its bones. A pestilence born in the smoldering graveyards of nameless,...
The Underdwelling

The Underdwelling

Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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With a kid on the way, Boyd needed the job bad. But the idea of going underground at the Hobart Mine, down into the dark labyrinth of tunnels to get at the raw ore, left him with a brooding sense of unease. Maybe it was the fact that his father had...