Cassiopeia-47- Divine World: from Archangels to Archons - Irina Podzorova
A woman who established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Communication between representatives of different civilizations
Cassiopeia-46- Soul of Plants - Irina Podzorova
A woman who established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Maha Mantra. The Importance of Mantra in Spiritual Practice
#667 Reverend Seraphim of Sarov....
BLOGO • Irina Podzorova
La persono kiu kontaktis eksterterajn civilizaciojn
Nia reala rakonto de eksterteraj civilizacioj
Kasiopeo - Priskribo de la Spirita Mondo de 1 ĝis 24 Nivelo
Kasiopeo - 7 renkontiĝoj kun la...
BLOG • Irina Podzorova
The Woman Who Established Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Our Real History from Alien Civilizations
Cassiopeia - Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level
Cassiopeia -...
Cassiopeia-45- Divine Understanding of the Evolution of the Soul- Irina Podzorova
A woman who established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Jesus Christ on the Creation of Instinctive...
Кассиопея-45- Божественное понимание эволюции Души- Ирина Подзорова
Человек, который установил контакт с...
Cassiopeia 44 - Multivariance of the Future - Irina Podzorova
A person who established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Hades (Pluto). The Image and Entities of Death
#701 Ortak Civilization. Sagittarius...