Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
0.Our real history from extraterrestrial civilizations -
00.Encyclopedia of Cassiopeia -...
Cassiopeia-37- Spiritual Freedom and Spiritual Slavery - Irina Podzorova
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Raising children and yourself. Analysis of the conflict between wife and...
Informoj transdonitaj de niaj kosmaj amikoj pere de Irina Podzorova, kontaktitino kun eksterteraj civilizacioj.
0. Nia reala historio el eksterteraj civilizacioj
- 00. Enciklopedio de Kasiopeo - informoj el eksterteraj...
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
0.Our real history from extraterrestrial civilizations -
00.Encyclopedia of Cassiopeia -...