CASSIOPEIA 30 - Irina Podzorova - The Path of the Disembodied Soul
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
CASSIOPEIA 14- Irina Podzorova- The science of imagery - Google translated from Russian
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
The structure of the universe and the spiritual world by - Cassiopeia - Irina Podzorova
Google-translated from Russian into English
CASSIOPEIA - Irina Podzorova - The structure of the universe and the spiritual world
Information transmitted by our...
CASSIOPEIA 16- Irina Podzorova - True love, awareness, spiritual vibrations
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
CASSIOPEIA - Irina Podzorova - Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen -
Von unseren Weltraumfreunden übermittelte Informationen durch Irina Podzorova, eine Kontaktperson mit außerirdischen...