CASSIOPEIA 22- Irina Podzorova- Practices from alien civilizations
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
CASSIOPEIA 25 - Irina Podzorova - Spirit, soul and body
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
Spirit, soul and...
CASSIOPEIA 29 - Irina Podzorova - Spiritual and physical causes of events
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
CASSIOPEIA 27- Irina Podzorova- Religion and worldview-2-Astral
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
Informoj transdonitaj de niaj spacaj amikoj pere de Irina Podzorova, kontaktitino kun eksterteraj civilizacioj.
0. Nia reala historio el eksterteraj civilizacioj -
00. Enciklopedio de Kasiopeo -...
Signs of Spiritual Awakening CASSIOPEIA 12 - Irina Podzorova -
Signs of spiritual awakening
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial...
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
0.Our real history from extraterrestrial civilizations -
00.Encyclopedia of...