Miami. Znany reporter Matthew Cowart dostaje list z więzienia stanowego. Robert Fergusson czeka w celi śmierci na wykonanie wyroku, twierdzi jednak, że nie popełnił morderstwa, za które został skazany. Cowart...
Second Lieutenant Tommy Hart's B-25 is shot out of the sky in 1942. Burdened with guilt as the only surviving crew-member, he is held captive at Stalag XIII in Bavaria. Routine comes to a halt with the arrival of a black American airman; when he...
You do not know me, but I know you. I have decided to call you: Red One. Red Two. Red Three. I know each of you is lost in the woods. And just like the little girl in the fairy tale, you have been selected to die…'
Karen, Sarah and Jordan have...
Timothy 'Moth' Turner is a postgrad student and recovering alcoholic. Estranged from his family, Moth's only lifeline is his uncle Ed. When Ed doesn't turn up for a meeting, Moth gets worried.
Ed is found shot dead in his apartment in an apparent...
Committed to the now-shuttered Western State Hospital when he was young, fortyish Francis Petrel starts recalling the circumstances of a nurse's grisly murder-just as the killer comes out of...
Scott Freeman is a man of reason – a college professor grounded in the rational and practical. But he becomes uneasy after finding an anonymous love letter hidden in his daughter's room: “No one could ever love you like I do. No one ever will....
Happy fifty third birthday, Doctor. Welcome to the first day of your death. Dr. Frederick Starks, a New York psychoanalyst, has just received a mysterious, threatening letter. Now he finds himself in the middle of a horrific game designed by a...
John Katzenbach, maestro del suspenso psicológico, nos enfrenta de nuevo a una trama tan hipnótica como las de El psicoanalista y La historia del loco.
Matthew Cowart, un famoso y ya establecido periodista de Miami, recibe la carta de un...
Brutalne morderstwo w szpitalu psychiatrycznym. Prokurator Lucy Jones zaczyna śledztwo – żmudne i bezowocne. Wkrótce przekonuje się, że ma własne powody, by doprowadzić je do końca. I że tylko z...