El coronel William McNamara, que pertenece a la cuarta generación de una familia de héroes de guerra, es apresado por los alemanes y recluido en un brutal campo de prisioneros durante la II Guerra Mundial. Como es el oficial estadounidense...
Akademicką karierę poświęcił badaniom nad strachem. Teraz nieznany mu strach mobilizuje go do ostatniego nadludzkiego wysiłku…
Jak tylko drzwi się otworzyły, wiedział, że już po...
You do not know me, but I know you. I have decided to call you: Red One. Red Two. Red Three. I know each of you is lost in the woods. And just like the little girl in the fairy tale, you have been selected to die…'
Karen, Sarah and Jordan have...
Timothy 'Moth' Turner is a postgrad student and recovering alcoholic. Estranged from his family, Moth's only lifeline is his uncle Ed. When Ed doesn't turn up for a meeting, Moth gets worried.
Ed is found shot dead in his apartment in an apparent...