In a host of consecutive bestsellers, Jonathan Kellerman has kept readers spellbound with the intense, psychologically acute adventures of Dr. Alex Delaware-and with excursions through the raw underside of L.A. and the coldest alleys of the...
Dr Alex Delaware doesn't see many private patients any more, but for a young woman called Lucy Lowell he's prepared to make an exception. Referred to him by the police detective Milo Sturgis, Lucy had been a juror at the harrowing trial of a...
Una e un quarto di notte. Petra Connor, l’affascinante detective della squadra Omicidi di Los Angeles, è svegliata da una telefonata del distretto di polizia: strage al Paradiso Club. Quattro morti. Adolescenti che avevano partecipato a un...
The slightly retarded fifteen-year-old daughter of a diplomat dies on a school field trip – forced or lured into a deserted corner of the Santa Monica mountains and killed in cold blood. Her father adamantly denies the possibility of a political...
Alex Delaware nigdy jeszcze nie spotkał się z podobnym przypadkiem. Pięcioletni Woody Swope jest bardzo ciężko chory, a jednak jego rodzice nie wyrażają zgody na kurację, która może uratować...
For all its many crimes of passion and politics, Jerusalem has only once before been victimized by a serial killer. Now the elusive psychopath is back, slipping through the fingers of police inspector Daniel Sharavi. And one murderer with a taste...
She was found stabbed to death on a quiet, shaded street in one of Los Angeles ' safest neighbourhoods. For three months the police have found no clues to the murder of Hope Devane, psychology professor and controversial author of a pop-psych...
Dedicated young psychologist Dr. Jeremy Carrier is unschooled in the ways of violent crime and incalculable evil – until his life is irreversibly touched by both. When his romance with nurse Jocelyn Banks is cut short by her kidnapping and brutal...
Detective Jacob Lev has awakened dazed and confused: it appears he picked up a woman the night before, but can’t remember anything about it. And then suddenly, she’s gone. Not long after, he’s dispatched to a murder scene in a house in the...
Alex Delaware's relationship with his longterm partner is on the rocks. He is floored when Robin announces she's heading off on a three-month music tour. But he soon has other things to think about. He is sent an envelope with no return address....