Р . B. Kers
Lampas bērni 2 grāmata Babilonas zilā Džine
Džons un Filipa Gonti ir dvīņi, turklāt džini. Viņi prot ielīst lampā vai pudelē, kļūt neredzami, pārvērsties par dzīvniekiem un izpildīt vēlēšanās. Bet, kad abi...
Lampas bērni 1 grāmata Piedzīvojums ar Ehnatonu
No angļu valodas tulkojis Raimonds Auškāps
Vai tu domā, ka mūsdienās neeksistē nezināmas karaļvalstis, princeses, kas pastaigājas noslēpumainos dārzos, bērni, kurus...
Lampas bērni 3 grāmata Kobru karalis no Katmandu
No angļu valodas tulkojis Raimonds Auškāps
Džinu dvīņi Džons un Filipa Gorīti atkal tiek ierauti jaunā maģiskā mistērijā. Abi bērni ceļo no Ņujorkas un Londonas...
Jack Furness, a world-famous mountaineer, is scaling one of the highest peaks in Nepal when he slips and falls into a crevasse. In the snow he finds a fragment of skull preserved in almost immaculate condition, and on returning home presents it to...
A woman is found dead, raped and covered obscene graffiti. This is unremarkable; London is a world of elaborate technology, violence and squalor, and serial murder has reached epidemic proportions. A new killer emerges, however, who has other...
In 2069 mankind is on the verge of extinction. 80 % of the population have P2; a virus that will kill them within ten to fifteen years. The only cure is a course of drugs and a complete transfusion of healthy blood. Blood is life. The latest World...
Philip Kerr, who sold his four previous novels to Hollywood for thousands of dollars, has worked out the art of writing the book of the film. A Five Year Plan has the ingredients — drugs, girls, high-octane climax — and all in a single boat. But...
Striding across Europe through the killing fields of three decades—from riot-torn Berlin in 1931 to Adenauer's Germany in 1954, awash in duplicitous "allies" busily undermining one another—Field Gray reveals a world based on expediency, where...