In the heart of a huge, beautiful new office building in downtown Los Angeles, something has gone totally, frighteningly wrong. The Yu Corporation Building, hailed as a monument to human genius, is quietly snuffing out employees it doesn't like....
Corre el año 1954 y las cosas no son sencillas para Bernie Gunther. El Gobierno cubano le ha obligado a espiar a Meyer Lansky, y cualquiera puede imaginarse que meter las narices en los asuntos de un conocido mafioso no puede ser bueno para la...
The beautiful game just got ugly.
In Athens, where London City is set to play Olympiacos in the Champion’s League, the temperature is high, and tempers even higher. Greece is rioting and manager Scott Manson is keeping his team on a tight...
Autumn 1943. Since Stalingrad, Hitler has known that Germany cannot win the war. The upcoming Allied conference in Teheran will set the ground rules for their second front-and for the peace to come. Realizing that the unconditional surrender FDR...
Everyone knows football is a matter of life and death.
But this time, it's murder.
Scot Manson: team coach for London City FC and all-round fixer for the lads. Players love him, bosses trust him.
But now the team's manager has been found...
Lampas bērni 1 grāmata Piedzīvojums ar Ehnatonu
No angļu valodas tulkojis Raimonds Auškāps
Vai tu domā, ka mūsdienās neeksistē nezināmas karaļvalstis, princeses, kas pastaigājas noslēpumainos dārzos, bērni, kurus...
Р . B. Kers
Lampas bērni 2 grāmata Babilonas zilā Džine
Džons un Filipa Gonti ir dvīņi, turklāt džini. Viņi prot ielīst lampā vai pudelē, kļūt neredzami, pārvērsties par dzīvniekiem un izpildīt vēlēšanās. Bet, kad abi...
Lampas bērni 3 grāmata Kobru karalis no Katmandu
No angļu valodas tulkojis Raimonds Auškāps
Džinu dvīņi Džons un Filipa Gorīti atkal tiek ierauti jaunā maģiskā mistērijā. Abi bērni ceļo no Ņujorkas un Londonas...
La primera vez que conocemos al ex policía Bernie Gunther la acción se sitúa en 1936, en Violetas de Marzo (un eufemismo que usaron los primeros nazis para describir los últimos conversos), cuando los Juegos Olímpicos...