Fathered by an incubus, raised by a mortal mother, and liaison to the Pemkowet Police Department, Daisy Johanssen pulled the community together after a summer tragedy befell the resort town she calls home. Things are back to normal—as normal as...
If all that is good thinks you evil… are you?
Once upon a time, the Seven Shapers dwelled in accord and Shaped the world to
their will. But Satoris, the youngest among them, was deemed too generous in
his gifts to the race of Men, and so...
If all that is good considers you evil, are you?
Once human but now immortal, Supreme Commander Lord Tanaros fled the realm of
Men and chose darkness when he killed his adulterous wife and his liege king
who cuckholded him. A thousand years...
The land of Terre d’Ange is a place of unsurpassing beauty and grace. It is said that angels found the land and saw it was good… and the ensuing race that rose from the seed of angels and men live by one simple rule: Love as thou...
Jacqueline Carey, New York Times bestselling author of the Kushiel's Legacy series, delivers book two in her new lushly imagined trilogy featuring daughter of Alba, Moirin.
Far from the land of her birth, Moirin sets out across...