Brink City

Brink City
Автор: King Dante
Год: 2022
Добавил: Admin 14 Ноя 22
Проверил: Admin 14 Ноя 22
Формат:  EPUB (669 Kb)
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Criminal empire building and monster girls in a fantasy version of Gotham City! Brink City. It's the hellhole of America, has been ever since the magical world collided with our own. All the undesirables, those magical creatures and races who couldn't fit into polite society, ended up there. Underground monster matches? Illegal enchantments? Monstrous ladies of the night? Potions that make you a god for a day? They can all be found in Brink City. And it's my new playground. In time, every crime family will bend the knee to my rule. But I have to start from the bottom to reach the top, and I'm going to use every spell in the book to get there.

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