The Warlock 1

The Warlock 1
Другая фантастика
Автор: King Dante
Серия: The Warlock #1
Год: 2022
Добавил: Admin 5 Июл 22
Проверил: Admin 5 Июл 22
Формат:  EPUB (474 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Demons are real. The supernatural is real. Magic is real. One man can become the master of all.

Wes is working the hotel lobby the night his life changes forever. Called to the top floor to deal with rowdy patrons, he finds himself in a high stakes poker game alongside a beautiful woman who is, apparently, a demoness. To make the night crazier, the game ends with a startling revelation: Wes is a Warlock.

Wes can bind demons to his will and command the infernal elements.

With his newfound powers, Wes will have no shortage of new hellish friends, but his enemies are almost equal in number. Among them are the famed Knights Templar, who have a keen interest in Earth's latest Warlock.

Armed with the staff of Solomon the First Warlock and surrounded by demonesses under his power, Wes aims not to be yet another dead member of the quickly diminishing Warlock population.

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