Short story. A Death tells the story of Jim Trusdale, not the sharpest tool in the shed, who is accused of killing 10-year-old Rebecca Cline on her birthday and stealing her silver dollar. The story is set in 1889 in the Dakotas, before it became...
Das Grauen kehrt nach Derry, Maine, zurück. Acht Jahre nach den in "Es" geschilderten Ereignissen, geschehen dort wieder seltsame Dinge. Ralph Roberts leidet zunehmend an Schlaflosigkeit und sieht plötzlich die Köpfe seiner Mitmenschen von einer...
The seventh and final installment of Stephen King's The Dark Tower saga is perhaps the most anticipated book in the author's long career. King began this epic tale about the last gunslinger in the world more than 20 years ago; now he draws its...
The storm rolled across Long Lake in Maine with a fury, leaving David Drayton and his family with fallen trees, downed power lines, and no electricity. At his wifeís request, David heads to the local supermarket to stock up on supplies, taking his...