…In ultimele patru zile, grupuri mici de oameni au intreprins misiuni de recunoastere la sol, iar cele doua elicoptere, misiuni similare in aer. In regiunea cercetata de oameni se afla aproape treizeci la suta din rezervele noastre de hrana,...
Venant de l'espace interstellaire, un objet pénètre dans le système solaire. Au début, il n'intéresse guère les astronomes et encore mois les journalistes ; les astéroïdes et les comètes...
In anul de gratie 2130, un obiect straniu este descoperit insurubandu-se in spatiu, pe ceea ce ar putea constitui un curs de coliziune cu Pamantu.
Ce este? de unde vine? Si, cel mai important, ce...
Nebula Best Novel winner (1974) Hugo Best Novel winner (1974) At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is huge, weighing more than ten trillion tons. And it is hurtling through the solar...
Lewis Crane survived the Los Angeles earthquake of 1994, but his family didn’t. At 7 years old, his life was torn apart. Now, at 37, he’s a seismologist with a mission: protect others from that fate. He’s got a unique theory of quake...