Карты для следующих компьютерных игр (орфография сохранена):
1. Antics
2. Bat Man
3. Booga Boo
4. Bruce Lee
5. Cauldron II
6. Cavern Of Khafk
7. Chimera
8. Dallas Quest
9. Dan Dare
10. Death Wish 3
11. Dinamite Dan II
12. Dizzy 3
13. Dizzy 3.5
14. Dizzy 4
15. Draconus
16. Druid
17. Equinox
18. Every One’s a Wally
19. Exolon
20. Fahrenheit 3000
21. Flash Gordon
22. Gamelot Warriors
23. Gunfright
24. Hacker
25. Hicus Focus
26. Holliwood or Bust
27. Hopeless
28. Host’s ’N’ Goblins
29. International Karate
30. Into Eagle’s Nest
31. Jack The Nipper
32. Jet Set Willy IV
33. Kidnap
34. Kings Quest
35. Knight Lore
36. Leonard
37. Mantronix
38. Monty Mole
39. Monty Of The Run
40. N.O.M.A.D.
41. Nosferatu
42. Nosferatu the Vampire
43. One Bite Too Deep
44. Orion
45. Paws
46. Police Quest
47. Phantis II
48. Pyramanya
49. Saboteur II
50. Seabase Delta
51. Slightly Magic
52. Spiky Harold
53. Starquake
54. Starrunner
55. Terramex
56. The Gun of Pandora
57. The Legend of Sinbad
58. The White House
59. Tomy’s Day
60. Trap
61. Treasure Island
62. Tujad
63. Universal Hero
64. Urban Upstart
65. Willow Pattern
66. Xarq
67. Yabba Dabba Doo
68. Zoro
Комментарии к книге "Лабиринты"