The second book in "The Hunger Games" series.
Catching Fire delivers just like The Hunger Games did. It gets this insane energy, especially at the very end, delivering kicks and punches right and left. Yeah. It does not disappoint for sure. I...
Möge das Gute siegen! Möge die Liebe siegen! Das grandiose Finale! Katniss gegen das Kapitol! Schwer verletzt wurde Katniss von den Rebellen befreit und in Distrikt 13 gebracht. Doch ihre einzige Sorge gilt Peeta, der dem Kapitol in die...
Die siebzehnjährige Katniss hat die grausamen Hungerspiele überlebt, zusammen mit ihrem Freund Peeta. Das bedeutet ein eigenes Haus in ihrem Heimatdistrikt 12, außerdem genug zu essen für ihre Familien. Aber all das kann Kat nur...
With two prophecies fulfilled, Gregor is now focused on the Prophecy of Blood, which calls for Gregor and “the princess,” Boots, to return to the Underland to help ward off a plague. His mom agrees to let them go—on the condition that she...
Now, with the third prophecy fulfilled Gregor is drawn into a crisis. For generations, rats have run the mice—or "nibblers"—out of whatever lands they’ve claimed, keeping them on the move. But now the mice are disappearing, and the young queen...
Months have passed since Gregor first fell into the strange Underland beneath New York City, and he swears he will never go back. But he is destined to be a key player in another prophecy, this one about an ominous white rat called the Bane. The...
Tas, kas jūs pārsteidza, lasot "Bada Spēles", atgūst jaunu spēku un spraigumu "Spēlē ar uguni". Iemīļotie varoņi, kas nu jau ir kļuvuši par jūsu draugiem, atgriezušies, lai...
Ambition will fuel him. Competition will drive him. But power has its price.
It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory...
In a future world, North America as we know it has been destroyed and the continent is now divided into 12 regions. The capital of this new nation, Panem, is in the Rocky Mountains and the remaining districts (1–12) are spread in descending...
In einem Nordamerika der fernen Zukunft regiert das Kapitol mit eiserner Hand. Die meisten Menschen in den unterjochten zwölf Distrikten kämpfen tagtäglich ums Überleben. So auch die sechzehnjährige Katniss. Sie sorgt dafür, dass ihre kleine...