The villain is a middle-class small businessman named John Wright who decides to assassinate the President of the United States. He spends his life savings to carry out the theft of an army shipment of the two precursor chemicals that form a deadly nerve agent codenamed VZ when combined.
The nerve agent VZ was intended to be detonated in Downtown San Diego, corresponding with the arrival of the President to attend a Republican party conference taking place there. The nerve agent had no safe deterrent, and it killed in two to three minutes when inhaled.
The nerve agent was contained inside two alacran (a combustible plastic) tanks, and plastic explosives were wrapped around the containers, so that when after the gas was released, the containers would explode, rendering the scene of the crime untraceable.
This plan was thwarted by John Graves, a State Department agent who had been tailing Wright, who deduced the plan and stopped it two minutes before the timers set to release the nerve gas went expired.
Комментарии к книге "Binary"