
Серия: Letty Dobesh Mystery #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Добавил: Admin 27 Ноя 13
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Letty Dobesh: thief, junkie, pick-pocket, felon. But now, for the first time in ages, she's also clean and sober, just out of rehab, and on a cross-country trip to reunite with her estranged little boy. 
Enter psychotic mercenary Isaiah Brown with a proposal that scratches at her oldest itch, something Letty has dreamed of all her life—the ultimate Vegas score. An ingenious plan to take down a casino that might actually work. 
All that's standing between Letty and an inconceivable pile of money is the pick-pocket of a lifetime. One risky, impossible grab. Pull it off, and retire. But mess things up, and Letty Dobesh will lose everything she holds dear, including her life.

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