In his new shocker, the master of the medical gothic creates a monstrous cabal — with a chokehold on mankind’s dearest hope and darkest fear.
From Coma to Blindsight, Robin Cook’s unique blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless...
The nurse's voice on the phone is desperate, but young Dr. Peters, in his first weeks of internship, is only bone-tired and a little afraid. He has forgotten when he last slept. Yet he knows that in the coming hours he will have to make... Review
Just when you thought it was safe to eat a hamburger again, Robin Cook – master of medical mysteries, deadly epidemics, and creepy comas-returns with an all too likely villain drawn right from current headlines: the American...
The unthinkable becomes stark reality in this frightening novel by the bestselling master of medical suspense.
Expects do not question whether a bioterrorism event will occur in the United States, only when...
New York City cab driver Yuri...
Trying to find some normalcy during the Covid-19 pandemic, Brian Murphy and his family are on a summer excursion in Cape Cod when his wife, Emma, comes down with concerning flu-like symptoms. But their leisurely return home to New York City quickly...
Un’agghiacciante incursione nel lato più oscuro dell’assistenza sanitaria, nel fatidico incrocio tra il valore supremo dell’esistenza umana e i cinici interessi del mondo finanziario, capace di subordinare la vita e la morte alla...
Cassandra Kingsley ma wszystko: rozpoczęła staż na psychiatrii, mieszka we wspaniałym domu, a jej mężem jest najlepszy kardiochirurg bostońskiego Memorial Hospital. Tymczasem dziewczyna, wbrew rozsądkowi, bada...
Na stół sekcyjny Jacka Stapletona trafiają zwłoki pacjenta jednego z nowojorskich szpitali. Patolog ze zdumieniem konstatuje, że umarł on na…dżumę. Wkrótce podobne przypadki zaczynają się...