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Hanging on

Hanging on

Язык: английский
Год: 1973
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It all began when Major Kelly's Army engineers were dropped into Nazi-occupied France and ordered to keep a bridge open until the Allies arrived. Except the mission was a secret and nobody knew they were there ― nobody except the Luftwaffe,...
Nightmare Journey
Научная фантастика

Nightmare Journey

Язык: английский
Год: 1975
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One hundred thousand years in the future, after man has been fatally humbled by his exploration of the stars and discovery of far more intelligent beings, civilization is struggling to return to the planet's surface. After man fled the stars, he...
Blood risk

Blood risk

Серия: mike tucker #1
Язык: английский
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Four men waited on the narrow mountain road for the Cadillac carrying 341,890, the biweekly taking of a Mafia cell. Four men who had never failed in a heist before, on their fourteenth operation in three years: Shirillo, watching in the long...


Язык: польский
полная версия

Alex i Courtney wzięli ślub i pragną przeprowadzić się do San Francisco, by tam rozpocząć nowe życie w przepieknym domu na przedmieściu. Niestety, Alexa trzymają jeszcze w Filadelfii interesy,...
Dance with the Devil

Dance with the Devil

Язык: английский
Год: 1972
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Katherine Sellers came to Owisden in the winter, to be the secretary-companion to Lydia Boland, one of the wealthiest women in the country. The job was an exciting challenge for Katherine, and a needed change from the events she'd sooner forget....
The Servants of Twilight

The Servants of Twilight

Язык: английский
полная версия

A wretched hag who is head of a crack pot religious cult targets Christine's six-year-old son, Joey, as the anti-Christ. Every member of the cult then sets out to destroy the boy and the only person Christine can find to really help her is a private...