Following the "Willow King" mysteries, Cooper has created a new heroine in barrister Trish Maguire. When four-year-old Charlotte goes missing from a playground near her home, her mother, Antonia, turns to her cousin Trish Maguire for help. But even...
Trish Maguire is furious when Kara, the social worker she's depending upon for her latest case, fails to turn up for court. However, when she finds out that she has been murdered, Trish is determined to find her...
Deb has served 5 years in prison for the murder of her father when Trish Maguire is invited to become part of a documentary investigation that might clear her name. But events take an unexpected turn when the MP who had come out in support of Deb is...
The Indomitable Trish Maguire Is Back Fighting The Causes Of Ordinary People.. While Exploring The Underground Of London's Organised Crime Scene. Seventh In The Trish Maguire...
In A Poisoned Mind, Natasha Coopers long-term heroine Trish Maguire has is savouring her new status as a QC when she is assigned a case a case which is not to her taste: she is to act for Clean World Waste Management, a company whose tanks that have...
"Trish Maguire is a heroine for our times." - Val McDermid
The fourth in Natasha Cooper's Trish Maguire series, OUT OF THE DARK is a touching and gripping novel in the bestselling tradition of Frances Fyfield. An eight-year-old boy comes running out...
The exciting new novel in the Trish Magiure series - can Trish find out what goes on in the murky depths of the art world and save her family at the same time? Trish Maguire is blessed with a slug of unexpected free time when a big case settles...