Late night on a notorious high-rise estate in Hackney and a white van is being driven erratically. The driver is pulled over by the police and questioned. A woman on the street after a long evening's drinking…She never makes it home. A...
This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit...
A woman is murdered and the police have a prime suspect, but cannot prove it. Detective Jane Tennison fights to solve the crime and win the respect of her fellow, male,...
This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit...
Marcus and Lena Fulford are the envy of their friends. Wealthy, attractive and successful, the couple, with their strikingly beautiful teenage daughter Amy, seem settled and content. But appearances mask a strained relationship almost at breaking...
High adventure, furious plotting, blackmail and betrayal… 'The Colonel' is rumoured to have masterminded several of the most successful robberies in the UK over the last forty years. But who is he? Edward de Jersey, now a wealthy man, owns a very...
Don Roberto Luciano turns informer for the biggest Mafia trial in history, but his family pays a terrible price. The head of the family, his three sons, his two grandsons and his nephew are all killed leaving the five widows to reclaim their...
From the goldmines of South Africa to the boardrooms of the City of London, from the risks of the casinos to the heady glamour of the London fashion world, the author continues the saga of a family’s...
Sir William Benedict has always desired acceptance from society’s elite. Coming from a working-class background, the now very wealthy entrepreneur owns millions, alongside a small slice of paradise by way of an island in the Caribbean.
No matter how cruelly twins are separated, their lives will always be entwined.
In the newly liberated streets of modern Berlin, two women — a pampered, beautiful Baroness, losing control of her mind, and a fearless wild animal trainer,...