Screaming Science Fiction is a full-length collection by horror master Brian Lumley, and includes a nearly 20,000 word novella (“Feasibility Study”) appearing for the first time anywhere.
Table of Contents
Snarker’s Son
150 years ago the world ended. Bombs fell, winter came, and the survivors fled underground in search of safety. Now they struggle to preserve what’s left—sleeping by day, and battling fearsome vampiric fly-by-nights after sunset.
Normally, when readers seen Brian Lumley’s byline on a book—especially one with the amazing jacket art of Bob Eggleton—the names of several colourful fictional characters spring to mind: heroes such as Harry Keogh, the eponymous Necroscope, or...
Originally published in 1975, and long out of print, this classic horror anthology sees a first reprint in over forty years. This anthology features ten macabre short stories by such horror masters as Ramsey Campbell, Brian Lumley, Joseph Payne...
The third book in the Necroscope series traces the battle between Harry Keogh and the horrifying Vamphyri on their home ground, an alien landscape of looming towers, impossible cliffs, and ravenous vampire-beasts.
Russia's Ural Mountains hide...
Lumley fans will welcome this collection of seven longer Cthulhu Mythos tales from the prolific British author, on whom H.P. Lovecraft was an important influence. One of the earlier selections, The Horror at Oakdeene, set in an insane asylum full...
Welcome To The Frightmare Lands…
Imagination can be a terrible revenge when a storybook character takes on a life of his own….
Trick or treat suddenly takes on a whole new meaning for one doctor who has long been exercising his powers...