Romanzo fantascientifico e fantapolitico: i problemi di una società gandhiana alle prese con una confinante società gerachica ed aggressiva. È una deliziosa favola post-moderna... ma è soprattutto un piccolo gioiello di letteratura utopica....
In un mondo ai confini della Galassia, tre razze native – gli Odemiar, abitanti delle caverne, gli elfici Fiia e i Liuar, guerrieri divisi in clan – vengono improvvisamente aggredite e conquistate da una flotta di astronavi provenienti...
He was a fully grown man, alone in a dense forest, with no trail to show where he had come from and no memory to tell who—or what he was. His eyes were not human eyes. The forest people took him in and raised him almost as a child,...
Ursula K. Le Guin is one of the finest contemporary fantasy writers, winner of many awards (the Hugo, the Nebula, the National Book Award among others) and author of many popular books, including the contemporary classic, the Earthsea trilogy,...
If you have never read an Earthsea book, this collection isn't the place to start, as the author points out in her thoughtful foreword; begin with A Wizard of Earthsea. If you insist on starting with Tales of Earthsea, read the foreword and the...
Mrs. Jane Tabby can't explain why her four precious kittens were born with wings, but she's grateful that they are able to use their flying skills to soar away from the dangerous city slums where they were born. However, once the kittens escape the...