Scandal's Daughter

Scandal's Daughter
Исторические любовные романы
Автор: Leech Emma V.
Серия: Rogues and Gentlemen #3
Год: 2017
Добавил: Admin 13 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 13 Апр 21
Формат:  EPUB (514 Kb)
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Sebastian Grenville, The Duke of Sindalton, known as Sin to the ton, has had his fair share of scandal. His father's involvement in what became referred to as 'The Scandal of the Century' plunged him into the spotlight at the tender age of twelve, and he's been there ever since. Egged on by his best friend, Beau - The Marquis of Beaumont, his life is one of dissipation and ease. But every duke needs an heir and everyone knows Sindalton is in the market for a wife.

Both men, bored to death by balls and matchmaking mamas, go to a friend's hunting lodge in Cornwall. But caught in a storm, Sindalton heads for cover. Seeking shelter in a cave, the duke is delighted when he stumbles upon Miss Georgiana Bomford, the niece of the local doctor. But the feisty red-headed beauty is unimpressed by his attempt to entice her. Sindalton, however, is captivated and intent on seduction, makes her the target of his all too tempting charms. But Georgiana is not who he thinks she is, and when they meet again in London, the scandalous past is in danger of repeating itself.

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