Checkpoint Lambda

Checkpoint Lambda
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1966
Издатель: Berkley Medallion
Добавил: Admin 10 Янв 22
Проверил: Admin 10 Янв 22
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As soon as he arrived to take over his command, Scott knew that something was wrong on Checkpoint Lambda.
His first sight was of a beautiful girl with empty eyes, whose vacant stare testified to her terror. Who was she and what was she doing there?
He was taken in charge by a man who knew nothing about the running of the Lambda - and yet pretended he did...
Scott realized that not only his life, but the existence of the Lambda depended upon his finding out what was wrong...for the charts indicated that it was headed on a collision course, and would be totally destroyed unless immediate measures were taken. But would he be able to act in time?
Here is an exciting, action-filled science-fiction novel from the pen of one of the most popular and distinguished science-fiction writers in the field.

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