The Brain-Stealers

The Brain-Stealers
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1954
Издатель: Ace Books
Добавил: Admin 10 Янв 22
Проверил: Admin 10 Янв 22
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When the outlawed scientist Jim Hunt leaped from the prison plane, he had no suspicion that he was not the only one falling silently through the midnight sky. But other, stranger exiles were landing at that very moment in the same backwoods region ... exiles from the unknown depths of outer space, exiles seeking human food.
When Jim started to make his way back home, he discovered the full horror of that night's events. For the people he met had become mere flesh-and-blood puppets, mindless creatures doing the bidding of the unseen invaders. And though every man's hand was against him, both free and enslaved, Jim knew that he alone was humanity's only hope for survival.

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