The Sleeping Beauty is the sixth book in the Five Hundred Kingdoms series. A mixture of Little Red Riding Hood and Beauty and the Beast, the story follows Isabella (Bella) Beauchamps who lives with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. It...
The Black Gryphon is the first book in the Mage Wars Trilogy.
Skandranon Rashkae is everything a gryphon should be with gleaming ebony feathers, majestic wingspan, keen magesight, and sharp intelligence, he is the fulfillment of all that...
It has been ten years since the magical Cataclysm which destroyed the stronghold of the world's most powerful Mage, killing Urtho, creator of the gryphons, and sending his forces into exile.
It had taken Urtho's peoples one year of...
A dozen years of peace have passed in the city of White Gryphon- but the inhabitants of this hard-won haven have not forgotten their struggles, and have trained an elite guard force, the Silver Gryphons, to protect their city.
In an isolated land wher the lure of the "Moontide" leads to shipwrecks, a woman is torn between obeying her father or her king. When she chooses to follow a Fool, she discovers magic she'd never expected... at a price that might be too...