Magic's Promise

Magic's Promise
Язык: английский
Год: 1990
Добавил: Admin 16 Ноя 12
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In this book, Vanyel is 28 years old and is now the head of all the Herald-Mages in Valdemar. Vanyel has just returned to Haven from more conflicts on the Valdemar, Karsite border and deserves a rest. But, as it goes for most Heralds, the greater the Herald you are, the more you are needed. He needs to go visit his family, which is unfortunate since he and his family barely get along. While there, Yfandes receives a cry for help from a neighboring kingdom. Urged by this cry they go to investigate. They find a place that is in the middle of a Magical Holocaust. There they find Prince Tashir, a newly chosen Herald. This boy has a powerful Gift that he cannot control; Is he responsible for this Magic-made destruction? Find out.

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