As in a fairy tale, Penny-Rose O'Shea has been rescued from poverty by a handsome prince who wants to marry her! But this royal marriage is purely for convenience. Prince Alastair must marry a woman of unimpeachable virtue for one year, or his...
La doctora Tessa Westcott irrumpió en la vida de Mike Llewellyn como un torbellino. Llevaba zapatos de tacón de aguja, decía exactamente lo que pensaba y puso su ordenado mundo patas arriba.
No podía durar. Estaría...
Siendo la única doctora de Bay Beach, Emily Mainwaring estaba demasiado ocupada para distracciones. Por desgracia para ella, se acercaban dos importantes: un bebé huérfano al que deseaba adoptar, y Jonas Lunn, un guapísimo...
Molly Farr can see why millionaire businessman Jackson Baird is called Australia's most eligible bachelor! He's charming, handsome, successful…and if Molly can't close the deal on a huge property with him she'll lose her job.
So the last thing...
Oszukał ją, zdradził i pozostawił bez grosza. Kate, jako jedyna lekarka w dolinie Corrook, musi ciężko pracować i oszczędzać, aby spłacić długi byłego męża. Nie ufa...
Luke Grey had just been landed with a baby half sister he'd never known existed! A bachelor businessman couldn't possibly look after her – so who could?
When Luke arrived at Bay Beach Orphanage, Wendy Maher made him a bargain: she'd look after...
Dr. Ryan Henry had left Australia as a teenager, and now he and fiancee Felicity planned a honeymoon there. But the first thing he did on arrival was knock Abbey Wittner off her bicycle. Damaging Abbey's leg was a real tragedy for she was the...
Cztery lata temu Cathy postanowiła rozstać się z Samem, ponieważ lekceważył jej potrzeby. Usiłował zrobić z niej elegancką żonę, podczas gdy ona w niezbyt wytwornym stroju weterynarza...
Peta and Marcus had a wonderful whirlwind wedding-but their vows are a sham: it's a marriage of convenience! Now billionaire Marcus Benson is showering his bride with gifts and offering a life of luxury. Surely that would be a dream come true for...
Una familia real dividida por el orgullo y la sed de poder volverá a unirse gracias al amor y a la pasión
Una familia real dividida por el orgullo y la sed de poder volverá a unirse gracias al amor y la pasión Habían pasado...