Idealne miasto Stepford: niski wskaźnik przestępczości, raj dla szczęśliwych rodzin, dobrze utrzymane trawniki, bogate i czyste domy.
Idealne żony ze Stepford: piękne, posłuszne, zadbane, niewymagające....
The classic thriller of Dr. Josef Mengele’s nightmarish plot to restore the Third Reich.
Alive and hiding in South America, the fiendish Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele gathers a group of former colleagues for a horrifying project. Barry...
En la apacible y bucólica ciudad de Stepford las mujeres están poseídas por algo extraño, dificil de precisar, pero que en todo caso las induce a guardar una conducta sorprendentemente ejemplar. Por su parte, los maridos...
Qu’arrive-t-il donc aux femmes de Stepford ? Ont-elles toujours été, ainsi que Joanna les découvre en s’installant dans cette ville, de véritables poupées ménagères, uniquement préoccupées de...
When published in 1967, Rosemary's Baby was one of the first contemporary horror novels to become a national bestseller. Ira Levin's second novel (he went on to write such fine thrillers as A Kiss Before Dying, The Stepford Wives, and The Boys...
Joanna és férje, Walter számára rendkívüli élményt jelentett Stepfordba költözni. Az idillikusnak tűnő kisváros azonban borzalmas titkot rejt… oly megrázó titkot, mellyel...
The wives in Stepford are not exactly what you might call feisty, but they do keep nice homes. They wax and vacuum, and clean and dust all day long and late into the evenings, but they never complain. They are rather pleasing to look at too these...
By the author of Rosemary’s Baby, a horrifying journey into a future only Ira Levin could imagine.
Considered one of the great dystopian novels—alongside Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange and Aldous Huxley’s A Brave New World—Ira...