In Das Wunder von Narnia erzählt C. S. Lewis, wie das Abenteuer Narnia beginnt. Durch die Experimente eines bösen Magiers geraten Polly und Digory in den Wald zwischen den Welten, wo der mächtige Löwe Aslan das zauberhafte...
Immer nur Winter, aber niemals Weihnachten. Das geheimnisvolle Land Narnia, einst von Aslan, dem großen Herscher jenseits der Meere, als paradiesische Welt erschaffen, steht unter einem Bann. Eines Tages erhält Narnia Besuch von...
Peter, Susan, Edmund e Lucy sono sfollati in campagna: c'è la guerra, e là saranno più al sicuro che a Londa. E quante sorprese li aspettano, nella grande casa che li ospita! La più straordinaria è senz'altro un...
Il regno di Narnia è stato conquistato dagli uomini. Il perfido re Miraz ha usurpato il trono del legittimo erede, il principe Caspian, e i suoi soldati costringono gli antichi abitanti: gnomi, fauni, folletti, ninfe, giganti buoni e animali...
In the first novel of C.S. Lewis's classic science fiction trilogy, Dr Ransom, a Cambridge academic, is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet's...
The second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy tells of Dr Ransom's voyage to the planet of Perelandra (Venus). Dr Ransom is sent by the Elida to Perelandra (Venus) to battle against evil incarnate and preserve a second Eden from the evil...
Lucy, Edmund, and their cousin Eustace, are magically transported onto the ship, Dawn Treader, where King Caspian is searching for the seven lost friends of his father. On the voyage, the children meet many fantastical creatures, including the great...