In different parts of London, three recruits prepare for their first day at the Metropolitan Police's training centre, but on their first day, the assistant commissioner announces that he wants them to join a team of undercover detectives. They...
While investigating a crew of people-traffickers Dan Shepherd discovers a cross-Channel currency-smuggling operation. Posing as a low-level criminal, Shepherd infiltrates the gang, befriending its London soldiers and establishing contact with...
The third book in the Jack Nightingale supernatural thriller series.
What goes around, comes around. Jack Nightingale learned that as a cop and discovered that it was just as true in the world of the supernatural. His life changed forever on the day...
Dan Shepherd is used to putting his life on the line. It goes with the territory when you're an undercover cop. Now working for Britain's top anti-organized crime agency, Shepherd is pitting his wits against the toughest criminals in the country....