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Автор: Ли Танит
Серия: The Wars of Vis #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
полная версия

Raldnor, Storm Lord and chosen hero of the goddess Anackire, has passed into legend after bringing peace to the land of Dorthar. But after twenty years, that tenuous peace is threatening to dissolve. Contentious forces are brewing, working through...
Non mordere il sole [Don't Bite the Sun - it]

Non mordere il sole [Don't Bite the Sun - it]

Автор: Ли Танит
Язык: итальянский
Год: 1978
полная версия

Esiste una città dove l’utopia si è realizzata. Può essere un paradiso, per una vita lunghissima, un paradiso nel quale ognuno è curato e accudito da robot perfetti, dove ogni giovane è jang, e può fare tutto quello...
Piratica III, The family sea : being the gallant tale of a fearless heroine and a fatal secret
Морские приключения, Фэнтези

Piratica III, The family sea : being the gallant tale of a fearless heroine and a fatal secret

Автор: Ли Танит
Серия: Пиратика #3
Год: 2007
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Art Blastside in her third daring adventure upon the high seas. It's been eighteen months since Art's baby was born: a pretty child called Africa, with Felix's dark hair and Art's grey eyes. Now Art, who dreamed of being like her own loving,...
The Birthgrave

The Birthgrave

Автор: Ли Танит
Язык: английский
Год: 1977
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She woke from a sleep of countless years, reborn from the heart of a raging volcano. Her body was a masterpiece all men desired, her face a monstrosity that must go masked. Warrior, witch, goddess and slave, she was doomed to travel through a world...
The Storm Lord

The Storm Lord

Автор: Ли Танит
Серия: The Wars of Vis #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
полная версия

Raldnor, Storm Lord and chosen hero of the goddess Anackire, has passed into legend after bringing peace to the land of Dorthar. But after twenty years, that tenuous peace is threatening to dissolve. Contentious forces are brewing, working through...
The White Serpent

The White Serpent

Автор: Ли Танит
Серия: Vis #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1988
полная версия

THE WHITE WITCH— She is Aztira, one of the magical Amanackire race, a pure white albino with powers both mysterious and terrifying. She can grant life and defy death, enchant men—or destroy them! AND THE WARRIOR— He is Rehger. Sold into...


Автор: Ли Танит
Серия: Войны Вис #2
Язык: русский
Год: 2004
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"...В небо рванулся свет, башня света, в основании которой стояла девушка. Вернее, должна была стоять, поскольку свет был столь силен, что...