Among the universe’s civilizations, some conceive of the journey between stars as the sailing of bright ships, and others as tunneling through the crevices of night. Some look upon their far-voyaging as a migratory imperative, and name their...
Combustion Hour by Yoon Ha Lee is a story about the eschatology of shadow puppets.
This short story was acquired and edited for by Tor Books executive editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden.
At the Publisher's request, this title is being...
An ex-Kel art thief has to save the world from a galaxy-shattering prototype weapon...
A general outnumbered eight-to-one must outsmart his opponent...
A renegade returns from seclusion to bury an old comrade...
From the...
The first installment of the trilogy, Ninefox Gambit, centers on disgraced captain Kel Cheris, who must recapture the formidable Fortress of Scattered Needles in order to redeem herself in front of the Hexarchate. To win an impossible war Captain...
From New York Times best-selling author Yoon Ha Lee. The stunning second act in the Hugo Award nominated Machineries of Empire series!Captain Kel Cheris is possessed by a long-dead traitor general. Together they must face the rivalries of the...
From New York Times best-selling author Yoon Ha Lee. The shattering conclusion to the Hugo Award nominated Machineries of Empire series!
When Shuos Jedao wakes up for the first time, several things go wrong. His few memories tell him that...