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Маленькая страна

Маленькая страна

Язык: русский
Год: 2007
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Чарльз де Линт — всемирно известный писатель, автор знаменитого цикла «Легенды Ньюфорда». В своих произведениях де Линту удается...
The Ivory and the Horn

The Ivory and the Horn

Серия: Newford #6
Язык: английский
Год: 1995
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From Publishers Weekly: This fanciful and moving collection of 15 tales, some loosely related with common characters, probes deeply into the nature of art and artists and the souls of the poor and downtrodden. In the fictional city of...
Forests of the Heart

Forests of the Heart

Серия: Newford #7
Язык: английский
Год: 2001
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In the Old Country, they called them the Gentry: ancient spirits of the land, magical, amoral, and dangerous. When the Irish emigrated to North America, some or the Gentry followed…only to find that the New World already had spirits of its own,...