Ritual DeathBlade arrives in the Empire of Gaikon--a feudal society--a land much like Japan ruled by the Tokugawa Shoguns. In search of clothing, he appropriates a dark-blue robe not knowing that blue is a color reserved for the ruling class. He is rewarded by a fight to the death. He wins. Having proven himself to be worthy of thedabuno, or warrior class, he becomes an ally of an important and wealthy lord.The Hongshu, who rules in the name of the Emperor, engages Blade's lord in a human chess game with the "pieces" fighting to the death. Blade is victorious, but he seeks further vengeance after the death of his lord. Blade's final strategy is successful and by law and custom he is given the supreme honor for his valor--permission to commit ceremonial suicide!
Комментарии к книге "Warlords Of Gaikon"