Digory and Polly discover a secret passage that links their houses, and are tricked into vanishing out of this world and into the World of Charn, where they wake up the evil Queen Jadis. There, they witness the creation of the Land of Narnia, as...
Lucy, Edmund, and their cousin Eustace, are magically transported onto the ship, Dawn Treader, where King Caspian is searching for the seven lost friends of his father. On the voyage, the children meet many fantastical creatures, including the great...
In this timeless tale of two mortal princesses - one beautiful and one unattractive - C. S. Lewis reworks the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche into an enduring piece of contemporary fiction. This is the story of Orual, Psyche’s embittered and...
This book contains a selection of the too numerous addresses which Lewis gave during the late war and the years that immediately followed it. All were composed in response to personal requests and for particular audiences, without thought of...
Unruhige Zeiten für Narnia. Ein Bürgerkrieg bedroht das Königreich und die entscheidende Schlacht steht bevor. Prinz Kaspian, der als rechtmäßiger Thronfolger gegen seinen hinterhältigen Onkel Miraz antritt, befürchtet den Untergang Narnias....
Klaivs Steiplzs Luiss
Zirgs un viņa zēns
Šasta uzzinājis no noslēpumaina svešinieka ka patiesībā nav nabadzīgā zvejnieka Āršiša īstais dēls. Runājošā zirga Bri pierunāts bēg no nežēlīgās Kalormenas zemes. kopā ar...