Martin Rhode, a distinguished soldier of one of Earth’s warring states, has been unwittingly captured by aliens after innocently exploring a hole caused by what was perceived to be enemy warfare. As it turns out, the aliens are being pursued by...
Dale Lorin, gaunt, somber veteran of the Third World War, visionary, idealist, ex-political columnist, was deeply scarred by the two tragedies in his life. He was dangerously close to a Messiah complex in his desire to make the world of 1967 free,...
How does a smart cop outguess a smart criminal? Take the case of Sergeant Argen and the young girl, so sweet, so blameless, so undefended... who had been left for...
Behind every man of adventure stands a woman. She can inspire him to reach the stars, or she can chain him with doubt and fear and indecision. And if he is a 500-mile-an-hour pilot, she can literally worry him to his...
Considering the late John D. MacDonald’s obvious love for boating and the sea, it’s surprising that so few of his short stories had nautical backgrounds. This one, published in a yachting magazine just a few months after his death, makes fine...
Other Times, Other Worlds
Among these superb stories—
A Child Is Crying
— A frightening look at a seven-year-old boy whose intelligence far surpasses that of top military experts...
— An intensely dramatic story that...