The three of them were spawned in the same ugly slum — the Sink, where crime was commonplace, and all the sordid, brooding streets led to dead ends.
But these three were hard. They managed to get through the No Exit...
MacDonald apparently loathes the Hollywood scene, and he creates some characters to show us why. (A couple of times during the series Travis reels off a list of things he has no use for, and "actresses" are included.) There's a new character...
They asked him to fight again. There would be no second chance at the crown, but a friend needed help, and it might be a second chance for the woman he...
The conference was over. Quinn, in the background, beamed. The three Texas money men looked at Molly in delighted wonder. This delicious blonde had the brain of an IBM...
With true compassion and revealing honesty, one of today’s most gifted storytellers explores the world of a wife suddenly facing the future alone — the decisions that must be made when she is highly vulnerable, the attempt to be both mother and...