The exciting story of two worlds — Earth, where Bard Lane and Sharan Inly are battling to help Man reach the stars, and a strange dying planet out in space where the inhabitants are fighting to keep Man from ever leaving the soil of Earth. Known...
At rare intervals we find ourselves in the odd position of publishing a book we cannot describe on the jacket flap. This is a baffling sample of the genre. On the most obvious level, it is a wry, unsentimental, perceptive account of how to co-exist...
They say laughter’s injections, and psychologists recently have found evidence of rhythm patterns in human emotions. But MacDonald’s proposing a nasty...
Ex-army intelligence officer Kestrick had nothing to live for — until he got baited by a trouble-bent beauty, mauled by the tin-god politico’s musclemen... and railroaded to...
No one remembered Singer Washburn now; the years had chugged by, and the old grey train had carried him far past the time when he’d be champ, past the time when he’d be retiring. Then he saw this kid Joe, with a mean streak in him, and knew that...
Could one man alone turn aside its terrible power, that had wiped out man’s mightiest heritage and left him only a future — the hope of death in the...