Rogue Cop

Rogue Cop
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Язык: английский
Год: 1954
Издатель: Dodd, Mead
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 5 Май 21
Проверил: Admin 5 Май 21
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The rogue cop was a good cop — smart, brave, experienced. But there was dirt on his hands. The dirt came from his association with the underworld — with Ackerman, numbers king, and other racketeers. These paid the rogue cop well for the cover-up jobs he did for them. Trouble came when they asked the rogue cop to stop his younger brother, Eddie, also on the force, from testifying against them in court. And when Eddie insisted on talking, a hired gangster shot him. The underworld the rogue cop had served had killed his own brother.

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