Związek Radziecki, lata siedemdziesiąte, młody dysydent intelektualista wyjeżdża z Leningradu w okolice Archangielska, by pisać o tamtejszych zwyczajach ludowych. Lecz na miejscu najważniejsza okazuje się Ona, Wiera, kobieta, która od...
Ce roman a l’originalité de nous offrir de la France une vision mythique et lointaine, à travers les nombreux récits que Charlotte Lemonnier, «égarée dans l’immensité neigeuse de la Russie», raconte à son...
Olga Arbyelina is a princess who fled Russia during the revolution; now she lives in a town near Paris tending to her hemophiliac son, keeping ghosts at bay-an existence hollowed out by history. The town gossips obsess over her, making her into the...
Early works of an author who has hit the big-time are often reissued for reasons more venal than literary. None of the pre- and post- publications of Tracy Chevalier come anywhere near the standard of The Girl with the Pearl Earring, but that...
An extraordinary story of love and endurance during the Siege of Leningrad lies at the heart of a magnificent novel about Russia past and present, and the human...
International IMPAC Dublin Literary Awards (nominee)
A moving, utterly captivating love story: Romeo and Juliet as if told by Chekhov or Dostoevsky.In the remote Russian village of Mirnoje a woman waits, as she has waited for...
Cuando Andrei Makine llegó a Francia desde su Siberia natal escribía ya en francés. Y en esa lengua redactó sus dos primeras novelas, que sólo consiguió publicar, después de que varias editoriales las rechazaran, gracias a un engaño:...
In an era when everything is an event, and nothing just happens naturally, it's hard not to be suspicious of the a novel that is the first ever to win both the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Medicis, by a Russian émigré who has been compared...
Je me savais a present incapable de dire la verite de notre temps. Je n'etais ni un temoin objectif, ni un historien, ni surtout un sage moraliste. Je pouvais tout simplement reprendre ce recit interrompu alors par la nuit, par les routes qui nous...