In Makine's fifth novel, the memories of an unnamed narrator weave through the 20th century as he recalls episodes in the life of his family-experiences that include those of a battlefield doctor in Afghanistan who was also a KGB agent, a Russian...
Olga Arbyelina is a princess who fled Russia during the revolution; now she lives in a town near Paris tending to her hemophiliac son, keeping ghosts at bay-an existence hollowed out by history. The town gossips obsess over her, making her into the...
An extraordinary story of love and endurance during the Siege of Leningrad lies at the heart of a magnificent novel about Russia past and present, and the human...
Związek Radziecki, lata siedemdziesiąte, młody dysydent intelektualista wyjeżdża z Leningradu w okolice Archangielska, by pisać o tamtejszych zwyczajach ludowych. Lecz na miejscu najważniejsza okazuje się Ona, Wiera, kobieta, która od...
Andreï Makine's second novel, a luminous elegy for the innocence and certainties of childhood and a stunning portrait of life in Soviet Russia during the Cold...
After a problematic start, Andrei Makine is getting better with every new book. His earlier setbacks were partly due to the snobbery of the French, who did not believe that a Russian could write better than they could in their own language. When...
In an era when everything is an event, and nothing just happens naturally, it's hard not to be suspicious of the a novel that is the first ever to win both the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Medicis, by a Russian émigré who has been compared...
Early works of an author who has hit the big-time are often reissued for reasons more venal than literary. None of the pre- and post- publications of Tracy Chevalier come anywhere near the standard of The Girl with the Pearl Earring, but that...
«Je m'éveille, j'ai rêvé d'une musique.» – Andreï Makine
«Un très beau roman d'une écriture épurée qui vise l'émotion et touche au cœur.» – L'Express
Au cœur de la tempête, dans...