Menolly, a young fisher’s daughter, had dreamed all her life of learning the Harper’s craft. When her stern father denied Menolly’s destiny, she fled Half Circle Hold just as Pern was struck again by the deadly danger of Threadfall, the...
Menolly arrived in triumph at the Harper Hall, aboard a bronze dragon. She had run away from home and lived in a cave, outrun the dread Threadfall, impressed nine fire lizards and written songs that pleased the Masterharper of Pern. But what was...
Once again Pern was in danger. The air trembled with Threadfall, and the holds seethed with rebellion. The Wily young Piemur, his singing ended by a change of voice, was given a new assignment by the Master Harper. On a bold mission to the...
The Exploratory and Evaluation Corps of the Federated Sentient Planets had sent ARCT-10, with its mixed crew of shipbred and planet-bound technicians, to Ireta to catalogue fauna and flora and search for new energy sources. It was a...